
10 SEP

Collaboration leads to better asthma management

The inclusion of researchers from DTU Health Tech in a start-up company brings in new knowledge and competences, and drives product development forward.

Health technology Health and diseases Computer calculations
Barn trådløse intelligente systemer
25 JUN

Health technologies of the future - Wireless intelligent systems

Heartbeat has trained the binoculars on the future and asked some of the leading researchers to estimate how they think health technology will evolve.

Health technology Medical equipment and systems Health and diseases Mathematical modelling Computer calculations IT and cyber security
Future Digital Technologies
24 JUN

Health technologies of the future - The digital healthcare system

Heartbeat has trained the binoculars on the future and asked some of the leading researchers to estimate how they think health technology will change the conditions for...

Health technology Medical equipment and systems Computer calculations Data analysis Hardware and components Software and programming Systems and data security IT systems
old woman
19 JAN

Developing new technology for monitoring heart rhythm is a collaborative effort

In the project REAFEL, cardiologists, general practitioners (GPs), health tech researchers and engineers have gained from collaborating with each other during their efforts...

Health technology Health and diseases Software and programming Computer calculations
Photo: Bax Lindhardt
05 APR

How close are we to personalized medicine?

Mapping patients’ genetic make-up could lead to better treatment for a wide range of diseases.

Health technology Genes and genomes Computer calculations IT and cyber security
From left to right. Winners of Grand Solutions: Jørgen Arendt Jensen and Erik Vilain Thomsens; Innovator of the Year: Mads Bonde; Søren Pind, Minister for Higher Education and Scinece; Flemming Besenbacher, vice chariman at Innovation Fund Denmar; and Talents of the Year: Qi Hu, Carl Meusinger, and David Bue. Photo: Ditte Valente
27 FEB

Major prize for portable ultrasound

Innovation Fund Denmark awarded five new prizes at the EliteForsk conference on 23 February. Four current and former DTU researchers were among the recipients.

Electronics Wind energy Image analysis Hardware and components Software and programming Computer calculations Innovation and product development Entrepreneurship Health technology
Building 324, Technical University of Denmark, DTU Compute
03 FEB

Millions for research into the treatment of heart patients and psychiatric and...

Innovation Fund Denmark has granted DKK 27 million to two major health-promoting projects carried out at the Copenhagen Center for Health Technology, CACHET,, in which...

Data analysis Computer calculations IT systems Software and programming Medical equipment and systems Health and diseases Mathematics
28 MAY

New tool for evaluation of microbiological criteria for Campylobacter in broiler...

TRiMiCri is a new software tool for setting and evaluating risk-based microbiological criteria for Campylobacter in broiler meat. The software was developed at the National...

Biotechnology Bacteria and microorganisms Food and fisheries Food safety Nutrition and dietary habits Food quality Food production Livestock diseases Production animals Health and diseases Computer calculations
Photo: National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark
09 DEC

Support to analyse chemical compounds’ harmful effects in humans

The new biotech company Saxocon offers companies direct access to the high-quality knowledge of researchers at the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark...

Food quality Food safety Food technology Biotechnology Health and diseases Food and fisheries Computer calculations
3 MAY 2024